neat blue dog said: "Tell me, were you using any drugs at the time?"
This is a very insightful statement. Watchtower has claimed that the use of mind-altering drugs leaves ones mind in a vulnerable state to be possessed and influenced by demons. Why do they say this? In part because of the fact that it is a documented fact of secular history that ancient seers and oracles used mind altering drugs. It is also very, very, very revealing that the koine Greek word translated as "spiritism" in the book of revelation, actually literally means "druggery".
So put it all together folks: mind altering drugs + seeing and experiencing paranormal activity = natural explanation for so-called supernatural experiences. They are products of the mind and thus the use of mind altering drugs to initiate them. But they can also occur without the use of such drugs, albeit far less frequently. I find it extremely funny that Watchtower has seen the evidence for the natural explanation of these things and rather than come to the obvious, rational conclusion, decides to concoct the ridiculous, hopelessly-blinded-from-seeing-the-obvious, comical idea that drugs make the mind more amenable to demon activity.
It's like a mechanic in south america finding a dead snake tangled up in the mechanisms under the hood of a malfunctioning car and, rather than stating the obvious - that the snake is the cause of the problems - he states that the snake attracted a gremlin which caused the problems. Then he warns all his customers to not park near areas with snakes since snakes attract gremlins. lol.
Sometimes they are natural events that are misinterpreted as paranormal activity under certain peculiar circumstances - like the mental equivalent of an optical illusion - a cognitive illusion.
Sometimes they are strange rare natural occurrences that the one experiencing them is completely ignorant of and so decides to believe it's the work of demons. For example, I have heard several persons talking about being attacked by demons and describing an attack that takes the form of waking up in the middle of the night and being completely unable to move. But this is a completely normal and documented biological phenomenon call sleep paralysis.
When a person falls asleep the brain normally paralyses his voluntary muscles. This natural mechanism serves to protect the body from harm during dreams by preventing the person from moving about like walking and running and crashing into obstacles or walking off cliffs, etc. In some people the paralysis mechanism doesn't work well. This can causes sleep walking. In other people - even in normal people, on rare occasions - the paralysis mechanism can fail to shut off when the person has awakened. So the person awakens but is still under sleep paralysis. I have heard several theists describe this phenomenon to me and ascribe it to the work of demons or witchcraft. lol.